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12 April  2009 ~

social-media-marketing.jpg This week, the Masters are taking place and you would need to live in a cave not to hear about it or Tiger Woods …and that got me thinking.  Anyone can play golf, albeit at different levels, but ANY one can play.  It’s the same thing with Social Media, anyone can do it but not everyone can perform at the same level or achieve the same results.  Having spoken to many CEO’s over the last few months, it is very clear that a lot of confusion exists in the business world, regarding what Social Media can achieve and WHO can actually achieve those results. “Awareness of social media” (i.e. we’ve heard the names of the sites or we may tentatively use a particular site) is not the same thing as “a business understanding of social media”. Think of it this way, Social Media metaphorically is like golf, anyone can do it, but if you are teeing off on the 72nd hole of the Masters, do you want your cousin’s college age kid or Tiger Woods playing this most important hole for you?

17 March  2009 ~

job-search-negotiations.jpg Guest Post by David M. Schwartz.  Today, we are all dealing with the financial meltdown and economic woes. Clearly, it was much more comfortable negotiating when the economy was in much better shape.  The painful truth is that when faced with adversity—such as a recession or a dip in the job market—the natural tendency is to retreat to a defensive position, rather than mount an all-out attack. Candidates should never settle for less than they are worth. If they don’t ask – they don’t get.  There are jobs and new opportunities out there for those who stay focused, keep a positive mental attitude and remain proactive. Candidates just need to learn how to “play the game”.

26 February  2009 ~

The First Social Media President – Barack Obama We learn from the history books that JFK was effectively the first President who understood and effectively used the new medium of TV.  Today, the new media is Social Media and it is about enhanced communication. It is clear that President Obama understood that and is our de-facto first Social Media President.  In this post, we’ll take a high level strategic perspective of how Obama leveraged social media and see if we can use some of the same strategies for our business.

18 January  2009 ~

Help me get Hired The economy is rough and the news from this past week was very discouraging.  Recently my first book on LinkedIn – 42 Rules for 24 Hour Success on LinkedIn  (available on Amazon)  was published and because of that, I have been invited to speak to job seekers about things they can do to help them shorten their career transition.

4 January  2009 ~

Twitter Stats and Valuation Insight It’s simple to use, takes only a few seconds to do and it is totally addicting.  No it is not a drug, it is Twitter.  This micro-blog/social network has been experiencing rapid growth & acceptance.  When the terror attacks happened in Mumbai, news started flowing almost immediately through Twitter.  The power of communication on Twitter is so strong, that Barack Obama used it during his campaign with over 160,000 followers who received his announcements.  Given all this exciting growth, perhaps it’s time to peel back the layers and begin to generate some insight into what this all means.

21 December  2008 ~

25 Thought Provoking Business Questions for 2009 As we exit 2008, it will certainly go down in history as one of the most historical yet challenging years in recent memory.  However, even as we put the year’s challenges behind us, business-wise, there are still many uncertainties that abound, which will certainly impact us in 2009 and beyond.  Let’s take a look at some of them.

23 November  2008 ~

Outliers - A Story of Success Have you ever wondered about success, either for yourself or what has helped someone else?  Have you ever tried to uncover whatever “it” is that catapults some individuals to success and leaves most others stuck on the launch pad. Since this blog focuses on a variety of perspectives that can enhance the success of senior business leader, we are going to focus on a book about success and an interesting perspective it offers.  Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Blink and Tipping Point, is out with his latest work titled “Outliers: The Story of Success”.  In the marketing of this book he caught my attention.  He noted that success isn’t directly attributable to intelligence and ambition, but to things that surround us like customs, family, quirks of timing or perhaps the year we were born.  So does this book have the “huh factor” and does Mr. Gladwell deliver?

16 November  2008 ~

Endeavor Night Launch This post is going to deviate from the norm and not focus on business.  Instead, I will share my experience of watching (from a distance) the shuttle Endeavor launch on Friday evening.  If the opportunity ever comes up for you to see one of the remaining shuttle launches, and the weather cooperates, you will be in for an awe inspiring event.  As many of you know, NASA has shied away from night launches since the Columbia accident.  Thus Friday night’s launch was a very rare occasion. 

31 October  2008 ~

Social networking success Earlier this week, a friend was mentioning a discussion he had with a common acquaintance of ours.  This acquaintance, said, “he gave up on LinkedIn & social networking as he simply didn’t see any benefit for himself to continue to pursue it”.   This seems to be a common frustration, yet with LinkedIn now over 30,000,000 registered users and growing at more than 1.2 million users per month and having raised a roughly $100 million in venture funding, clearly they are doing “something right” for social networkers.  Let’s try to examine this dichotomy further.

28 September  2008 ~

Freelance Food Prices are rising, gas & oil are still very high and home prices continue to decline.  Now given the economic crisis on Wall Street, what if you lose your job?  As senior business leaders, you know that the higher up you go, the fewer jobs that exist.  Hence, if you lose your job, where will you turn to continue to generate a cash flow amidst this economic turbulence?  Given a lack of employment opportunities, many people choose the freelance route. In this post, we will help identify things you need to be aware of if you choose this path.

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