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29 February  2012 ~

Mobile App Marketing


Whether you’re planning for your first mobile app or have several apps under your belt, there are certain questions that you should contemplate in order to increase your app’s opportunity for success.

Let’s jump in and take a look at them…

31 December  2011 ~


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  George Santayana

 We have lived through multiple technology shifts over the past 15 – 20 years. 

In the mid 1990’s, on a macro level, it was crystal clear the web would have a massive impact on the world and consumers.  Yet on a micro level, it took many years for various business verticals to figure out how they were going to utilize the web.  To this day, many niche business verticals still do not understand how to leverage the web.

27 November  2011 ~


This is the biggest online weekend of the year for retailers – Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.  If you have a business, you need to maximize your online relevance and be ready to meet the hoards of customers that are looking to make purchases from your business.   Is your business currently doing this?  Do you know what to do to have customers find you online?  If not, you may want to leverage the following simple path to keep your competitive edge

6 October  2011 ~

By now, we’ve all heard about the passing of Steve Jobs.  While it was not unexpected, it is still a monumental moment in our lives.  In short, he was our era’s Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.

The funny thing if you reflect back to circa 1990, was that Jobs while recognized for founding and growing Apple, was in some ways considered a “has-been”.  He credits this time in his life as being his most creative… and clearly history has shown what he creative powers were capable of achieving.  Thus, I thought it would make sense to show some of this creativity and insight in this post.

10 September  2011 ~

Once again, I had the pleasure and privilege to address the University of Florida Graduate Business program on the topic of social media.

This year the flow was based on questions provided by the graduate students before the presentation.  Questions included:

21 June  2011 ~

A couple of weeks back, a friend of mine asked if I could recommend a low cost but responsible and proficient resource.  She had read the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris and wanted to begin to implement it.  I thought about it and then asked if she had considered   She was familiar with it but wasn’t real sure how to use it effectively and she asked for my suggestions.

22 May  2011 ~

 I find myself in a bit of unique position.  I have no affiliation whatsoever with LinkedIn but I’ve spent the better part of the last 5 years focusing on LinkedIn.  During this time, I co-wrote the Amazon best-selling book – 42 Rules for 24 Hour Success on LinkedIn.  From the publishing of that book, I’ve had the opportunity to speak to thousands of current and potential LinkedIn users and learn about their usage or lack thereof.  So given this insight, what is my take on LinkedIn’s IPO?

7 April  2011 ~

By now, we all know the Apple story.  Their success has continued with their most recent gadget, the iPad.  Even with competitors coming out with their own tablets, Apple is still dominating.  The iPad was originally released about a year ago and I was looking for information related its business impact one year later and came across this presentation which I thought was worthwhile sharing.   So what do you think about the iPad – is it a great business tool or merely just a tool with great hype?

31 October  2010 ~

 Because it’s simplicity is its complexity.

It can be everything to anyone, one size does not fit all, it is very easy to get plugged in, yet requires sophistication to be used as a business tool, which means it requires us to learn something new and all of this is occurring in an environment which is constantly changing.  Let’s analyze this in the context of using social media in three distinct ways and comparing that against the tradition tools.


15 August  2010 ~

One of the biggest problems that businesses encounter with social media is they simply jump into it without any specific strategy or goals.  The overwhelming majority of businesses that have pursued this path have received only minimal benefits, if any.  Treat social media as you would any business initiative, be it a new financial reporting system or a new marketing program… start with a strategy! In this video post, we review some of things you might consider relevant for your strategy.

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