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9 May  2010 ~

Recently, I was reading some of John Barbar’s writings on business improvement and in one, he offered some powerful insight for emerging from these challenging economic times.  He has been kind enough to share it again via a guest post here on our blog.

Guest Post By John Barbar

When are we going to exit these economic times?  Will it be in 2011, 2012 or even later?  No one really knows so let’s decide that it’s over NOW!

28 March  2010 ~

By now, we have all heard about the raging debate on healthcare reform.  However as business leaders do we know what it means to our businesses?  In this post, we will look at 5 questions we may have to address in the near future.

22 June  2008 ~

Corporate Budgeting It’s officially summer right now and with that change of season, comes another season that many of us dread… Budget Season! Did you know that only 1 in 3 companies enjoy an “accurate forecast” (accurate is defined as having actual results that are within 5% of projection)? Budgeting in general, is like having a GPS for your business.  If your GPS weren’t accurate, wouldn’t you fix it or would you rather continuously end up in the wrong place?  Forget about the dread and dismal results, these can be fixed and yield big improvements in your business.

1 June  2008 ~

Social media ROI Do you understand the benefit you should be getting from Social Media?  ROI, (Return on Investment) is a common measurement that evaluates the amount of “benefit” derived from an investment.  For instance, assume your social media marketing consists of spending 5 hours/week creating new contacts via Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook. Now, let’s assume your time is worth $200/hour. Across a year, your investment is roughly $50,000!  So… is it worth your time?

30 March  2008 ~

recession-cartoon.jpg The “R” word is everywhere, the majority of Americans feel that the country is already in a Recession.  Even if it technically isn’t a recession, this perception can unfortunately become a self fulfilling prophecy as consumers scale back their spending, which in turn creates a ripple effect downward on the economy. In the face of economic uncertainty, some businesses will panic and falter, while others will stay on top of their business and sail right past their competition! Which one of those businesses will you be? 

25 February  2008 ~

business-growth.jpg What if someone presented you with the possibility uncovering more than $200,000 in profit in under 2 hours of your time?  

3 February  2008 ~

Merger Integration The following is a case study drawn from a previous business challenge.  


Global Business Integration and the need for High Impact Operational Guidance 
