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18 May  2008 ~

social-media-overwhelm1.jpg By now, based on the hype, we are all somewhat aware of the potential that web 2.0/social media can offer our businesses.  However, after speaking to various groups over the last couple of weeks, two things are becoming very apparent; many people are struggling to understand where to begin and just as many are simply trying to find out which sites to participate in. In this post, I will offer you guidance to help minimize your overwhelm and guide you through the Social Media puzzle.

11 May  2008 ~

twitter-tips.jpgThere’s so many more ways a business may want to use a tool like Twitter. It can be an incredibly powerful marketing & community building tool that has the ability to go viral!  Thus the goal of this exercise was to identify 50 ways that businesses can benefit from Twitter.  Not all of these ways are going to apply to all businesses, but in aggregate, each business should be able to find numerous ideas from this list to help them benefit.  One quick caveat, if you’re in the type of business where you can’t afford to get a bit personal, you probably shouldn’t use Twitter.

4 May  2008 ~

twitter-logo.jpg Communication and business effectiveness in our new world of Social Media is measured by a level of “being connected”.  Taken at face value Twitter is not unique, it is simply another method of communication. However, when you take a deeper look at Twitter, it is revolutionary.  It is an extremely powerful business communication tool that enables you to publish your thoughts on the fly to the world, or plug into the thoughts and information streams of other relevant parties and prospects.  Imagine having a loudspeaker plugged into all of your “connections”.  This would open up a whole new level of contact with your customers, your business partners and your employees. So, what is Twitter?

27 April  2008 ~

dilbert.jpg For those of you who have followed my blog, you know that I generally write from personal experiences.  Well, just a couple of days ago, I had a major injury and tore the tendons in my right bicep. Thus I’m sitting here dictating this post through my microphone as I am unable to use my (dominant) arm to type.  …and that got me to thinking, in a time of crisis what are some of the things that you need to have in place to help your business transcend those significant “game changing type” occurrences.  

20 April  2008 ~

Working with your customers I recently did a webinar with a business partner, entitled “Five Steps to Accelerate Growth”.  For us, the genesis of this presentation started with a question… What if There Were Five Actionable Steps That Consistently Identified Six-Figure Profit Opportunities for Your Firm… To begin to answer that question, we worked with a premise that I previously shared in another blog post, specifically that Business growth, be it for the Candy Store or the Consultant or the large Corporation, will generally follow a similar path.  The “secret” is…

30 March  2008 ~

recession-cartoon.jpg The “R” word is everywhere, the majority of Americans feel that the country is already in a Recession.  Even if it technically isn’t a recession, this perception can unfortunately become a self fulfilling prophecy as consumers scale back their spending, which in turn creates a ripple effect downward on the economy. In the face of economic uncertainty, some businesses will panic and falter, while others will stay on top of their business and sail right past their competition! Which one of those businesses will you be? 

23 March  2008 ~

youtube_logo.jpg Let’s start off with a couple of questions… a) How many videos are currently on YouTube?  b) How many videos are being uploaded every second?  c) On average, how many minutes long is the average video?  d) Biggest question of all, do you know how to interpret any of this information and potentially use it to enhance your business and career?

9 March  2008 ~

sustainable-business-goals As a business owner, manager or executive you face two major challenges: 1) meeting your short-term business and financial goals; and 2) building an organization that will sustain you for the long-run.

2 March  2008 ~

social-media-cutouts.jpg There was an article in Business Week last week with a great headline, “Social Media Will Change Your Business, Catch Up or Catch You Later”.   

25 February  2008 ~

business-growth.jpg What if someone presented you with the possibility uncovering more than $200,000 in profit in under 2 hours of your time?  

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