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31 August  2008 ~

Linkedin’s Future??? This is probably the $1 billion question that Linkedin is answering internally and boy do we wish we had a crystal ball to forecast this.  Let’s start our analysis for this by looking at a possible strategic direction the company may entertain and progress with our analysis down to the user level.

13 July  2008 ~

cfo-post-linkedin.jpg Why are you on Linkedin?  On the surface, this seems to be a simple question, only 5 words and none were larger than 10 letters long.  But it seems that whenever I ask that question, I’m asking something on par with the existential question of what is the meaning of life because the response I get 9 times out of 10 is a contemplative silence.  So I try to break the uneasy silence by asking another question, “what was your encouragement to register on Linkedin”, and with that usually a big smile appears and they say, “oh, I received an invitation to sign up”.   To which I reply, “that’s great, what are your goals for being registered on Linkedin”?  This time the responses range from that contemplative silence to the ambitious, “gain more clients”. 

29 June  2008 ~

638594_sitewards_office.jpg Well, the first half of 2008 is just about in the books.  The economic issues that the country is facing in this presidential election year, has created an enormous amount of uncertainty.  Uncertainty tends to create a lot of angst, much of it deserving, but angst none the less, can cloud our ability as business leaders to think clearly and sometimes prevent us from seeing the forest through the trees.  As we embark into the remainder of 2008 and this “period of uncertainty”, perhaps we should stop, take a deep breath and “revisit things” that perhaps we didn’t spend enough time on before.  To contribute to the theme of stopping and revisiting, this post will take a brief look back at 5 key articles from the first half of 2008.

15 June  2008 ~

linkedin tips Linkedin is a business tool just like your cell phone or your PDA.  It is not a magic elixir. It can function exceptionally well in a variety of ways but it can’t be everything to everyone.  Even with over 25 million users, people are still trying to figure out the most effective ways to use it.  One thing is for sure, it functions best as a “precision-type” tool, (i.e. reach a specific person, learn a specific bit of info).  If you are looking for something to “carpet bomb” and work as a mass market broadcast, there are more effective tools than Linkedin.  So… let’s jump in and take a look at 101 tips to help make your Linkedin experience as effective as possible.

25 May  2008 ~

Job Search 2.0 Given the uncertain economic times (rising oil prices, presidential election, credit crunch and housing crisis), do you know for sure if your job is going to be there in 6 or 12 months?  Since social media is about new ways of communication, and communication is the foundation for relationship building, do you where to begin to properly launch a relationship building campaign that could lead to your next position?
In this post, we will take a look at two things – the most effective social media tools that can support your job search and the tactics you would want to follow.

13 April  2008 ~

638594_sitewards_office.jpg I am always looking for trends or emerging practices that are changing, or at least influencing, the way we as business leaders can add more value to our businesses. Since I’ve started this blog, I have been asked many questions across a variety of topics in respect to innovations we are seeing and how they will impact business growth.  In this post, I will begin to address some of those questions.  There were so many that it will probably take multiple posts to adequately address these.

6 April  2008 ~

YouTube for Your Career Everyone posting to YouTube has the potential for reaching untold numbers of viewers.  Think about this, in just two weeks since our last post on YouTube, roughly 2,700,000 NEW videos have been posted. The challenge is to engage with this vast audience on a new level.  Create videos that fall flat, and chances are you will go completely unnoticed.  Get it right, and you’re on your way to be a winner!

23 March  2008 ~

youtube_logo.jpg Let’s start off with a couple of questions… a) How many videos are currently on YouTube?  b) How many videos are being uploaded every second?  c) On average, how many minutes long is the average video?  d) Biggest question of all, do you know how to interpret any of this information and potentially use it to enhance your business and career?

16 March  2008 ~

linkedin1.jpg The old cliché is that success is not based on what you know, but rather, who you know.  With almost 20 million users and growing daily, LinkedIn offers a variety of opportunities to quickly connect with a vast audience to enhance the potential for your career and business success.

21 January  2008 ~

success1.gifClearly, as a business leader, you’ve gotten to a point in your professional life that many never achieve.  Think about what you’ve accomplished and what you’ve failed to do.   Are there more significant things you can accomplish if you weren’t limited by fear? 

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