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8 February  2011 ~

As we’ve seen in the last 12 months, social commerce sites like Groupon, LivingSocial and others have exploded.  To accentuate that explosion, the two majors posted Super Bowl Ads.  Groupon had 3 – 2 pre-game and 1 during the 3rd quarter, while LivingSocial had 1 pregame ad. 

The reaction to Groupon’s ad has been pretty vocal – with the high majority finding the “cleverness of saving something” – starting with saving the rainforest and saving Tibet but ending in saving money – very distasteful.  Looking at LivingSocial, its ad was just plain strange. 

So what do you think, did these ads contribute to the growth of Social Commerce or harm it?

8 January  2011 ~

The evolution of LinkedIn has been very interesting.  The growth rate has been very strong – over 90 million registered users but the question remains, how are business people using it for benefit? 

The “average” registered user signs up for an account, briefly works on their profile, connects to a bunch of people immediately but then does little more than connect or accept invitations haphazardly.  The real question I pose is how many, of the 90 million users, are “average” vs “above average” and generating benefits?  To help users achieve benefits, I offer 11 beneficial things to do with your LinkedIn account in the new year of 2011.  Take a look at the list below and see how these can help you.

28 November  2010 ~

Our latest post is a very timely and valuable guest post from Maria Duprey at .


1. Have you ever reached out to your 50 warmest buddies to update them on what you are currently doing?

31 October  2010 ~

 Because it’s simplicity is its complexity.

It can be everything to anyone, one size does not fit all, it is very easy to get plugged in, yet requires sophistication to be used as a business tool, which means it requires us to learn something new and all of this is occurring in an environment which is constantly changing.  Let’s analyze this in the context of using social media in three distinct ways and comparing that against the tradition tools.


6 September  2010 ~

On September 3, 2010, the University of Florida MBA Program held their Professional Development Day for which I had the privilege to Keynote.

The title of the presentation was Managing Career Development through LinkedIn and Social Media.  Below is the presentation along with a video snippet of the presentation.

15 August  2010 ~

One of the biggest problems that businesses encounter with social media is they simply jump into it without any specific strategy or goals.  The overwhelming majority of businesses that have pursued this path have received only minimal benefits, if any.  Treat social media as you would any business initiative, be it a new financial reporting system or a new marketing program… start with a strategy! In this video post, we review some of things you might consider relevant for your strategy.

28 July  2010 ~


The “social” side of social media is relatively simple to do, yet when social media is used for business, generating success requires a more “sophisticated” approach.  For our next book, we are gathering some business social media success stories and will share them from time to time. In today’s post, we look at the social media success of Berry Chill.

14 July  2010 ~

While the social side of social media is pretty straightforward, the business side of social media is complex.  However this makes sense – there are so many needs, goals and constituents that need to be addressed when social media is used as a business tool… which leads to a lot of questions.

27 June  2010 ~

The explosive growth, rapid revenue generation and HUGE business valuations have definitely attracted a lot of attention to some relatively new group buying sites. 

While the concept itself is certainly not new, the buzz around the growth potential is new, and a lot of that can be traced to the use of social media in these business models.  In some ways, these are really the first sites tied into social media that are generating significant direct response revenue.  Heck, Groupon is less than 2 years old and has already raised more money with a higher valuation and will gross more than almost every other social media site except for perhaps Facebook.

On the surface, these sites seem ridiculously simple to start, operate and grow but as we all know, still waters can run deep and there really is a lot to learn about these sites.  The goal of this post is to begin to share a large group of links that dig into some of the many facets of this business model, as well as Groupon, the leading company in this space. 


13 June  2010 ~

CFOStrategistPrior to one of his recent social media presentations, Chris spent time talking one-on-one with some business owners.  The questions they all seemed to have was, “which social media sites should my business consider participating on”?  So what’s the answer, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn or something else?

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