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11 April  2010 ~

We live in an era of rapid business change.  Over the last ten years there have been significant impacts like: the web, Y2K, 9/11, Sarbanes Oxley and now social media.  One thing is for sure, best of class companies continue to evolve with the times to maintain their competitive advantages.  Today, everyone is talking about social media but can it really impact business operations and process excellence?

25 February  2008 ~

business-growth.jpg What if someone presented you with the possibility uncovering more than $200,000 in profit in under 2 hours of your time?  

30 December  2007 ~

dashboard.jpg  Unfortunately, Americans are becoming too accustomed to outlandish claims but not results. However as a CFO, you are held accountable for nearly everything that occurs within your company.

16 December  2007 ~

mashupecosystem.jpgIn this age of information technology, businesses and their employees are increasingly responsible for extracting strategic insight from prodigious amounts of data. For some, it is literally becoming like trying to find a needle in a haystack.