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21 June  2011 ~

A couple of weeks back, a friend of mine asked if I could recommend a low cost but responsible and proficient resource.  She had read the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris and wanted to begin to implement it.  I thought about it and then asked if she had considered   She was familiar with it but wasn’t real sure how to use it effectively and she asked for my suggestions.

8 January  2011 ~

The evolution of LinkedIn has been very interesting.  The growth rate has been very strong – over 90 million registered users but the question remains, how are business people using it for benefit? 

The “average” registered user signs up for an account, briefly works on their profile, connects to a bunch of people immediately but then does little more than connect or accept invitations haphazardly.  The real question I pose is how many, of the 90 million users, are “average” vs “above average” and generating benefits?  To help users achieve benefits, I offer 11 beneficial things to do with your LinkedIn account in the new year of 2011.  Take a look at the list below and see how these can help you.

14 July  2010 ~

While the social side of social media is pretty straightforward, the business side of social media is complex.  However this makes sense – there are so many needs, goals and constituents that need to be addressed when social media is used as a business tool… which leads to a lot of questions.

11 April  2010 ~

We live in an era of rapid business change.  Over the last ten years there have been significant impacts like: the web, Y2K, 9/11, Sarbanes Oxley and now social media.  One thing is for sure, best of class companies continue to evolve with the times to maintain their competitive advantages.  Today, everyone is talking about social media but can it really impact business operations and process excellence?

13 January  2008 ~

bi-roadmap.jpgThe more things change, the more things stay the same!  A year ago, there were three main independent vendors in the Business Intelligence space.  A year later they have all been swallowed up.  Oracle purchased Hyperion, IBM purchased Cognos and SAP plans to acquire Business Objects.  So with all this M&A activity, has what’s important to you changed? 

16 December  2007 ~

mashupecosystem.jpgIn this age of information technology, businesses and their employees are increasingly responsible for extracting strategic insight from prodigious amounts of data. For some, it is literally becoming like trying to find a needle in a haystack.   

4 December  2007 ~

Chasing NumbersWithout knowing the complexities, subtleties and nuances, I would expect different solutions to fit the question. Ultimately this hinges on what mgmt wants to achieve across a specific time frame given their on-going operation.